Thursday, June 28, 2012

Seems like a black cat passed across

Well to start of my day, I had to walk to school cause i was running late which is actually just a few blocks away haha. We had our Math Quiz moved tomorrow so we had a worksheet instead but here goes the carelessness again so...well i got 2/5 ugh not a way to start my new school year. Science period came by and i can't understand a single term my teacher is saying and i don't know why so i just bummed around with my planner. Here arrives Chinese..... I did not actually study the night before cause i didn't know how to study it haha i crammed it during Lunch break. I just guessed the 'Shi' and 'Fei' portion which means True or False in English and also the fill in the blanks where we had to fill in some words from the Chinese Conversation from our book..  I kept on telling Janelle (seatmate) that this my bad luck day blah hahaha until she got annoyed cause she doesn't really wanna hear those "Unlucky" words. Lastly, I had my Variety Show interview. I waited for around 30 minutes until it was my turn to go to the room, sit, and talk in front of the team around 12 of them. They asked me to name each one of them but i forgot their names oh gosh. I had this friend which was part of the team and eventually, i forgot her name too. Feel bad for me? Thanks haha! Hoping for a great day and for the days to come!

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