Friday, August 24, 2012

Chill day

To start everything off, today is a Friday! Where all the zombies have gone back to life! Anyway, had my Science Exam in the morning.. not quite happy on how i performed earlier or well cause I'm never confident. Had my lunch eaten and went to fetch my friend Janelle and apparently got lost on the way to her house. We went straight to Dominique's house somewhere in E.Rod. We were actually supposed to 'Study' for Math but of course, who would study on a friday hehe so we ended up watching movies and ordering McDo!! Ordered tons of food including the latest Twister Fries. T'was drizzling all afternoon when we decided to chill in Promenade in Greenhills. I went to grab shawarma and i wasn't really hungry that time since i ate tons earlier. They were already supposed to be picked up there but i just told them to wait in my crib in San Juan. We played 'Twister' and i lost sad to say. SUCH A MEMORABLE DAY WITH GREAT PEOPLE ☺

Janelle, Me, Dominique

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